Using fonts from the LaTeX Font Catalogue.

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Tue May 4 09:32:35 CEST 2021

Boris Veytsman wrote:

> By the way, for plain TeX users the road is only slightly more bumpy:
> t1pbsi.sty inputs pbsi.fd, which has the lines
> \DeclareFontShape{T1}{pbsi}{xl}{n}{
>     <-> s * [1.2] pbsi8t
> }{}
> Thus the following should work - and it does!
> \font \myfont = pbsi8t

OK, so now we know that as well as its plain text name, 
BrushScriptX-Italic is also known to TeX as "pbsi8t".  A quick search 
using Voidtools 'Everything' reveals that TeX Live 2021 contains, in 
addition to the aforementioned, t1pbsi.fd, pbsi.sty, pbsi8t.vf, 
pbsi8t.tfm, pbsi8r.tfm, pbsi.tfm, and config.pbsi.  Strangely, 
it does /not/ contain "t1pbsi.sty", wherein Boris found a reference to 
"pbsi.fd", and indeed my entire 32TB disc farm does not contain a file 
of that name, nor does it contain Boris' "pbsi.fd".  Perhaps these are 
specific to Unix installations — I wot not.

So, might it be an idea to augment the LaTeX Font Catalogue to give the 
TeX-specific names for the listed fonts, as well as their canonical names ?
/Philip Taylor/

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