LaTeX/Powerdot rotate problem

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Sun Aug 15 09:08:25 CEST 2021

Am 15.08.21 um 08:04 schrieb Thomas Schneider via texhax:
> I am generating some eps graphs for use with PowerDot and LaTeX.
> Years ago they typeset just fine in PowerDot slides.

> Does anyone know how to solve this?
> I'm attaching a minimal example which has three slides.  The first and
> the third slides display just fine when run through latex, dvips and
> then ps2pdf.  The middle one calls an eps and so that entire slide
> gets rotated.  The files are:
> rot.tex       - the latex file
> rbspicout.eps - the eps that causes the rotation of the second page
> rot.pdf       - resulting pdf with second page slide rotated
> I create rot.pdf using:
> latex rot.tex
> dvips rot.dvi
> ps2pdf

Using up-to-date TL2021 and


works fine.

iMac:~ voss$ gs --version


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