
Hadi Abed, Khawla Khawla.Hadi-Abed at elekta.com
Tue Oct 20 11:19:43 CEST 2020

Hello Karl,
Thanks for your response,
The graphics are included in the document from the beginning (before adding this command); but these are in a wrong place. The Texworks put them in the last two page in the generated pdf document or in pdflatex viewer and not in their correct position. Just one graph is positioned in a correct page, but in the center of this page not at the top of the page (as I selected to have them in the top of the page "ht!" ). When I use this "\pdfminorversion=7", then the Tex viewer refuse to generate any pdf document and I receive the following:

"! pdfTeX error (setup): PDF version cannot be changed after data is written to the PDF file.
<to be read again> 
l.54 \begin  {document}                       
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on ICON(8073)_AcceptanceReport.log." 
Please find the attachment document errors

could you please let me know how I can correct this error?

I start my Tex file with the following: 

\input {Sitedata.tex}
\input {tabledata.tex}
\input {tabledata_xyz.tex}
% Add the necessary packages used for the tex
\usepackage {cmap}; \usepackage [a-1b]{pdfx}; \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}; \usepackage[english]{babel}; \usepackage[options]{mcode}; \usepackage{graphicx}   % needed for including graphics e.g. EPS, PS   
\usepackage{fancyhdr}; \usepackage{lastpage}; \usepackage{mathabx}; \usepackage{helvetic}; \usepackage{syntonly}; \usepackage{eso-pic}; \usepackage{makeidx}; \usepackage{mcode}
\usepackage[framed,numbered]{mcode}; \usepackage {epstopdf}; %\RequirePackage{pdf14}


%The page style
\topmargin -1.2cm        % read Lamport p.163
\oddsidemargin -1.2cm   % read Lamport p.163
\evensidemargin -0.04cm  % same as oddsidemargin but for left-hand pages
\textwidth 16.5cm
\textheight 23.8cm 
\pagestyle{fancy}       % Uncomment if don't want page numbers
\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight, keepaspectratio]{Background.png}%
\begin  {document}  
%% Create title and first page of the report
\begin {center}
\fcolorbox{ black}{white}%
\setlength{\parskip}{5ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}


\vspace{10 mm}	
\end {center}
%%% insert head and foot informations
\fancyhead[[LE,RO]{\vspace*{-0.8cm} % adds a little vertical space
\lfill\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{Elekta.png}\hfill\rule{0cm}{0cm}% first row of evenly spaced images
  \hfil\includegraphics[width=0cm]{}\hfil% second row (a centered image)

\lfoot{BL0646, V4}&{\cfoot{\bfseries \IssueFooter}}&{\rfoot{ \bfseries{\bfseries\thepage}/18}}
\input {Calibrationsprofile.tex}
{\large Profiles}
 % the profiles of the 4mm collimator			
	\input {precisionprofilesc4.tex} 		
 % the profiles of the 8mm collimator                                  
	\input {precisionprofilesc8.tex}		
% the profiles of the 16mm collimator	
 	\input {precisionprofilesc16.tex}
 \end {document}
Thanks in advance, Khawla	

Khawla Hadi Abed, Medical Physicist, Applied Physics Specialist | Medical Physicist, Senior Physicist
Elekta Instrument AB
P.O. Box 7593, 
SE-103 93 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting Address: 
Kungstensgatan 18
Office: +46 (8) 58725464 | Mobile: +46 (73) 0922166 
Khawla.Hadi-Abed at elekta.com | www.elekta.com
Elekta Instrument AB Reg No. 556492-0949
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-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> 
Sent: den 19 oktober 2020 23:33
To: Hadi Abed, Khawla <Khawla.Hadi-Abed at elekta.com>; support at tug.org
Subject: RE: Pdflatex

    ``pdfTeX warning: pdflatex.exe (file
    ./8073c8x-eps-converted-to.pdf): PDF inclusion: found PDF version
    <1.7>, but at most version <1.5> allowed

Those are warnings, not errors. Are you sure the graphics are not getting included despite those messages?

It is possible (though unlikely) that the graphics actually require PDF 1.7.
You could add
near the beginning of your document. It should eliminate the messages, anyway.

    LaTeX Warning: Float too large for page by 501.51253pt on input line 10''.

Another warning. Maybe something needs to get scaled down.

Hope this helps,,

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