Trouble downloading tex

Richard Koch koch at
Wed Jan 29 02:16:53 CET 2020

John Morgan,

I am running Catalina 10.15.3, which Apple released this morning.

I downloaded and installed BasicTeX and typeset a 100 page document using it with no problems.

Then I downloaded the current full MacTeX, installed it, and typeset the same 100 page document with no problems. This is the version available at <>

Just below the link, the web page dates the package as May 8, 2019, so this is the standard version for this year, which is not notarized. The web page also lists its md5 sum as


You can check this against your download using Terminal by changing to the directory containing MacTeX and typing

	md5 mactex-20190508.pkg

If you get a slightly different number, your download was defective.

These tests show that Apple has not yet turned on the notarization requirement, and the current install packages still work.

Richard Koch
koch at
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