[texhax] MacTeX Extras

Susan Kayser sukayser at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 20:08:28 CEST 2018

Dear Herbert:

I had already looked at that page, and it did not answer my questions. I do know the TeX distribution includes at least one spell checker (Excalibur) and at least one equation editor (LaTeXit). Are there others in the Extras?

If I want to use any of the extras, how do I go about it? Do they need installation? Can I just double-click on them? Are they integrated into the full distribution?

Thanks for your attention.

> On 5Jul, 2018, at 1:13 AM, Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Am 05.07.2018 um 08:08 schrieb Philip Taylor:
>> Susan Kayser wrote:
>> I’ve just updated my TeX distribution, and I’m wondering about MacTeX Extras. Do I need them, or are they included in the big distribution? If they are indeed extra, how do I install them and use them? For that matter, how do I know if I need them? I am a  LaTeX user, but not deeply familiar with the TeX installation.
>> Without knowing what your TeX distribution is (name, date, version, configuration, supplier, etc.), Susan, it may be difficult to answer your question.
> See
> http://tug.org/mactex/mactextras.html
> Herbert

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