[texhax] Centering "framed box" between two columns

Brian Dunn bd at bdtechconcepts.com
Thu Feb 1 05:01:37 CET 2018

On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 08:11:26 -0500
Jerry <jerry at seibercom.net> wrote:

>  using the
> "xcolor" package with the "\colorbox" command to fill in the box around
> the text and image. Is it possible to incorporate that into this script
> also?

Add \usepackage{xcolor}, and replace the author frame with:


The author


If you use this code often, it may be good to add a switch to
activate/deactivate the flowfram commands so that you can compose the
article and check the results before finally doing the layout at the end.

Even better would be to convince the newspaper to use a nicer layout!


My apologies to all for including the lipsum text, but it was necessary to
insert the \framebreak commands where needed, while using enough text to fill
the page.


Brian Dunn
BD Tech Concepts LLC
bd at BDTechConcepts.com


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