[texhax] Undefined control sequence. \end{pspicture}}

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Sun Apr 30 00:03:53 CEST 2017

Unfortunately you are being mislead by texstudio's truncation of tex error

The error is

! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \c at lor@to at ps

l.11         \end{pspicture}}


so the undefined command is \c at lor@to at ps not \end{pspicture} the latter is
just the location in the source file where the error was detected.

pstricks has always given that error if used with pdflatex. I'm not sure
why it doesn't just detect that and give a meaningful error message like
pstricks needs a postscript interpreter
but it doesn't:-)

If you use latex then dvips then ps2pdf it should work.

or you can add


and use pdflatex --shell-escape and just the pstricks parts will be run in
a latex/dvips manner and re-included as pdf into the main pdflatex document

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