[texhax] Bad effect when using \doublecolumns

Rodolfo Medina rodolfo.medina at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 13:03:02 CEST 2016

Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk> writes:

> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> Thanks.  But you maybe forgot to put \doublecolumns again after
> \beginsection.  With it, the problem remains.
> Mea culpa. Corrected code (lines 440 onwards) follows, and appears to set as
> intended :
> Balza nel petto; e già s'accinge all'opra 
> {\singlecolumn \beginsection {Section 3}\par}
> \doublecolumns
> Or sempre loderollo, o ch'io ti miri
> Veleggiar tra le nubi, o che serena
> Dominatrice dell'etereo campo,
> Questa flebil riguardi umana sede.
> Me spesso rivedrai solingo e muto
> Errar pe' boschi e per le verdi rive,
> O seder sovra l'erbe, assai contento
> Se core e lena a sospirar m'avanza.
> \singlecolumn
> \end

This way, for me, what happens is that the page break occurs just after the
section title, before next text `Or sempre loderollo', whereas the
\beginsection macro is designed just to avoid that...  So that we eliminate an
undesired effect just to have another one...


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