[texhax] A problem with dvips.

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Oct 18 23:44:58 CEST 2016

    You "removed psfig support from dvips"? Do you mean you
    eliminated interpretation of psfig-style \specials?

No, I didn't do that.  I only removed the code copied directly from
psfig in special.[l]pro -- the PostScript procedures /psfts,
/startTexFig, /doclip, /endTexFig.  This was for TL'15.
I also updated the doc.  That's it.

    "ps:").  I recall some direct use of such \specials.

I understand "ps:" not as a "psfig-style" special, but as the
fundamental \special in dvips for literal PostScript of any sort.
I didn't touch it.  --best, karl

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