[texhax] Labelling in subfloat

Dr A K Hannaby keith_hannaby at mathshelp.com
Wed Aug 20 13:15:08 CEST 2014

Dear Tug

I am using the amsmath package and have some figures with twin diagrams for
which I need to use the subfloat package.


On the line

\subfloat[subfloat caption];

what is it that controls the fontsize in the subfloat labels: {a} and {b} -
they are too small (about 9pt in my case).


I have already the command:

\renewcommand*\thesubfloatfigure{\themainfigure(\alph{subfloatfigure})}  in
my preamble, taken from the subfloat package.


Can anyone help, please?




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