[texhax] Help with Miktex

Bob Tennent rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Fri Oct 4 21:06:20 CEST 2013

 >|That doesn't answer my question. I can put it into my personal
 >|directory, but it has now become part of the official xy-pic
 >|distribution and I am trying to figure out how Random User can
 >|use it. In fact, I didn't name it that; Kris Rose did. I had
 >|always called it diagxy.

It doesn't seem to be in the xypic package at CTAN. You'll have to
convince the package maintainer to upload this "official" xy-pic
package to CTAN. Kris Rose is listed as one of the maintainers.
It will then be distributed as updates to the current TeXLive and

Bob T.

 >|On Fri, 4 Oct 2013, Bob Tennent wrote:
 >|> >|It is in \miktex 2.8\tex\generic\xypic and \miktex 2.8 is one of
 >|the root
 >|> >|directories shown.  The file in question is called xybarr.tex and
 >|has been
 >|> >|newly added as an xy-pic option.
 >|> It's not a good idea to put local or personal files in the MiKTeX
 >|> distribution tree. Is there a local texmf root listed? If so, put
 >|> your file in tex\generic\xypic below that. If you don't have a local
 >|> texmf tree, you can create it and add it to the search path.

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