[texhax] Entering horizontal lines between items

Barbara Beeton bnb at ams.org
Wed Jan 9 21:17:04 CET 2013

refarding jerry's question, let's go
directly to the problem:

    Assume this example:

    NAME _______________________________________ PHONE: ____________

    PROPERTY OWNER: ____________________________ PHONE: ____________

    This is probably a bad example. However, assume I want the PHONE to
    begin in 5in. from the left margin. I can manually get it all worked
    out; however, when I insert the second line, I have to figure the
    horizontal line length.

for this, since you know the positions,
you can do this:

  \noindent\hbox to 5in{NAME: \hrulefill} PHONE: \hrulefill\break
  \hbox to 5in{PROPERTY OWNER: \hrulefill} PHONE: \hrulefill

    Essentially, what I want to accomplish is saying:

    Put TEXT here, then underline from the end of that text 5 inches from
    the left margin and then place THIS text, then underline to right
    margin. Not every line has every item in the same location and some
    lines have 3 items on them.

    A formula like: {lmargin + distance to indent - length of text} would
    work I assume. I have no idea how to code anything like that. Is there a
    package that offers that ability?

don't know of a package; anyhow, my
suggestion is raw tex, not latex.  but
if you have a good idea of the desired
dimensions at least *some* segments of
the content, you can use this to your
						-- bb

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