[texhax] spurious space with abbrevs.sty

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Fri Sep 28 10:44:41 CEST 2012

Am 28.09.2012 10:11, schrieb jtzzaa11-texhax2 at yahoo.com:
> The spurious space happens even with no other pacakges loaded. Here's a minimal working example:
> \documentclass[10pt]{article}
> \usepackage{abbrevs}
> \begin{document}
> \newabbrev\pc{Personal computer (PC)}[PC]
> {\pc}abc {\pc}abc
> \end{document}
> which gives "Personal computer (PC) abc PC abc",  so the spurious space is there.
> The abbrevs documentation mentions the set of characters after which no space should be instered is \nospacelist.
> It says it should include the left and right curly braces, but when I add "\nospacellist" to the above code I get
> ,.':;?-//!)]

there is a problem with the internal macro \maybe at space@
which _always_ inserts a space. However, the package abbrevs
loads some other packages which might have change their


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