[texhax] indexing

abqotts at comcast.net abqotts at comcast.net
Fri May 4 23:39:07 CEST 2012



I am trying to create an index for an article. I have read Leslie Lamport's MakeIndex article and have the following questions: 


1) the article says "Next, run the MakeIndex program by typing the following Unix command: makeindex myfile . idx . How do I perform this task under a Windows operating system? 


2) When I include the \ printindex command in my . tex file I get an error message saying "unrecognized command". What command do I include to print the index in the document? 


3) Are there beginner courses in Latex somewhere near where I live in Albuquerque, NM? 


Thank you, in advance for your time and consideration. 


Randy Ott
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