[texhax] Characters out of margin

Eric Weir eeweir at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 24 12:58:16 CET 2012

On Feb 23, 2012, at 12:31 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> You should not have any hyphenation problems with American English. It also has nothing to do with the Mac since MacTeX installs a standard, full TeX Live.

Thanks, Herb. I assumed that was the case, but the FAQ pages referenced made me wonder.

> Is there any way you could supply a minimal but compilable sample file that demonstrates your problem? 

I'm attaching a copy of the file that gave me the most problems. Compiled with xetex without the tweaking code in the preamble I count  twelve out-of-margin instances. With the tweaks there is only one, and it's a url.

I've discovered the tex gyre family of fonts. Is it possible that using those I would have fewer problems? [I'm interested in them for another reason as well: I compose in Scrivener, export to latex, and format with LyX. Currently with that rough workflow I am not able to compile with latex. Get errors that suggest the file is not UTF8 when it is. This is a LyX problem.] 

Eric Weir
eeweir at bellsouth.net

"Any assurance economists pretend to with 
regard to cause and effect is merely a pose."

- Emanuel Derman

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