[texhax] scrambled text

Paul Isambert zappathustra at free.fr
Sat Aug 25 08:49:22 CEST 2012

Daniel Greenhoe <dgreenhoe at gmail.com> a écrit:
> Is there any way using LaTeX to pseudo-randomly scramble a text string?
> For example is there any package with a command called, say \scramble
> such that the syntax
>   \scramble{blue} would produce something like eblu or uebl?

If you're using PDFTeX, then try code 1 below; if you happen to use
LuaTeX, try the much simpler code 2.


% Code 1


  \unless\ifx #1\endofword
    \advance\letters 1


    \advance\scratch 1


% End of code 1

% Code 2
\catcode`\#=12 \catcode`\?=6
    local str = string.explode("\luaescapestring{?1}", "")
    local out = ""
    while #str > 0 do
      out = out .. table.remove(str, math.random(#str))

% End of code 2

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