[texhax] quotation marks with babel in LuaLaTeX

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Tue Sep 20 14:12:00 CEST 2011

Am Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:05:45 +0200 schrieb Arno Trautmann:

>>>> I'm always using csquotes:

>>> Ah, thanks, I totally forgot about that package as I never use it …

>>>> \documentclass[ngerman]{scrartcl}
>>>> \usepackage{babel,fontspec}
>>>> \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
>>>> \usepackage[autostyle]{csquotes}
>>>> \MakeAutoQuote «»
>>>> \begin{document}
>>>> «abc»
>>>> \end{document}

>>> But … if I have « » on my keyboard, I don't need csquotes? …

>> Well compile the document to see what csquotes is doing. Or better
>> compile this one:
> I did and it works fine. My point was: If I have the symbols »« on my 
> input device, most probably I also have „“” etc., so I (at least me 
> personally) will just use that character and will not let a package do 
> that work.

Well I use «» for *all* quotes: german quotes („“), german
guillemets (»«), english, french guillemets («»), and all inner
(single) quotes. This means I don't have to worry about language and
inner/outer quotes. Also I don't have to worry about style: if I
want german guillemets instead of the normal quotes I can simply
change it in the preamble, I don't have to run a search and replace.

With csquotes I separe meaning ("quote this word") from the look
("do it with french guillemets").

Also I don't have «» on my keyboard, instead I'm using a shortcut
(alt+q) in my editor to surround a selected text (or a word) with
the quotes. It would be rather difficult to setup shortcuts for the
various quoting variants.

Ulrike Fischer 

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