[texhax] "tex project file collector" or anything alike?
Fehd, Ronald J. (CDC/OCOO/ITSO)
rjf2 at cdc.gov
Wed Oct 26 16:48:09 CEST 2011
> Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 14:22:43 +0200
> From: ralph buse <ralph.buse at googlemail.com>
> To: support at tug.org
> Subject: [texhax] "tex project file collector" or anything alike?
> Hi folks,
> is there something like a "clean up" function which a) either deletes
> all unused files in the main tex document's folder structure or, less
> dangerous / drastic, b) collects all used files and creates a
> mirror-directory somewhere containing only these? searched google,
> ctan, miktex forums, and tex used group for keywords "collect",
> "project" (and some other potentially stupid phrases) but nothing
> comes up (more precisely: I haven't found anything among the search
> results) which addresses my "problem".
> Greetings,
> Ralph
Below is my Windows utility for cleaning out
all my folders before doing backups
Ron Fehd {SAS} macro maven
/Q is quiet
/S means do also subfolders
SAS-book is my project folder
there are no *.tex files in that folder
only in the chapter child folders.
rem 03-LaTeX-clean-up.bat
set folder=C:\RJF2\SAS-book
del /Q /S %folder%\*.adx
del /Q /S %folder%\*.aux
del /Q /S %folder%\*.bak
del /Q /S %folder%\*.bbl
del /Q /S %folder%\*.blg
del /Q /S %folder%\*.dvi
del /Q /S %folder%\*.idx
del /Q /S %folder%\*.ilg
del /Q /S %folder%\*.ind
del /Q /S %folder%\*.glg
del /Q /S %folder%\*.glo
del /Q /S %folder%\*.gls
del /Q /S %folder%\*.log
del /Q /S %folder%\*.lst
del /Q /S %folder%\*.maf
del /Q /S %folder%\*.mtc*
del /Q /S %folder%\*.nav
del /Q /S %folder%\*.ptc*
del /Q /S %folder%\*.snm
del /Q /S %folder%\*.stc*
del /Q /S %folder%\*.out
del /Q /S %folder%\*.toc
del /Q /S %folder%\*.vrb
del /Q /S z*.txt
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