[texhax] help with making active url link

Thomas Schneider schneidt at mail.nih.gov
Wed Jul 13 07:56:43 CEST 2011


> If I understand you correctly, then I suggest using hyperref as in:
> \usepackage{hyperref}
> then use the command:
> \href{link}{Text describing the link}
> Hyperref is also nice to modify the colour of the links and do other useful things in the pre-amble.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'd forgotten about that package.  That
made the url have a blue box around it, but it still fails.


Acrobat gets my browser to:

> Not Found
> The requested URL /~{}Gabriele.Nebe/LATTICES/density.html was not found on this server.

With skim it gets to:


Making '\~{}' to be '~' fails too.  The link is in a figure legend but
moving it to the main text doesn't help.


  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory
  Molecular Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  schneidt at mail.nih.gov
  toms at alum.mit.edu (permanent)
  http://alum.mit.edu/www/toms (permanent)

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