[texhax] Trs: Permohonan Ralat submit Data

TUG office office at tug.org
Thu Jan 13 17:59:31 CET 2011

Dear Kaelani,

We received your order 06 Januray, processed payment that day and 
mailed the DVD via the US Postal Service on 06 January as well. There 
is not a tracking number associated with this mailing.

The address the DVD was mailed to is as follows:

Dr. Khaerulsyah Nasution
Jl. Coatesville 6 SC/32 Kota Wisata
Jl. Raya Pondok Gede No. 4, Jakarta Timur
Bogor, Jawa Barat  16963

I see you list part of the address below. Will the above addressed 
parcel, per your order, reach Dr. Nasution? Please advise.

Indeed when I tried to send a receipt that day the email bounced. I 
will send the receipt again separately to you and Dr. Nasution.

Thanks for checking on the status of this order!


TUG office

At 07:51 PM 1/12/2011, kaelani kaelani wrote:
>--- Pada Sab, 8/1/11, kaelani kaelani <kaelani76 at yahoo.com> menulis:
>Dari: kaelani kaelani <kaelani76 at yahoo.com>
>Judul: Permohonan Ralat submit Data
>Kepada: office at tug.org
>Cc: support at tug.org
>Tanggal: Sabtu, 8 Januari, 2011, 10:28 PM
>Dear Tex User Group,
>        We are a customer TUG. Friday, 7 jan 2011 we make a 
> transaction for order software TEX COLLECTION 2011 DVD. But we fill 
> data form for the order is wrong for few data customer at submit data.
>    Please correct data for ship the product. The correct data is :
>    1.  Name : Dr. Khaerulsyah Nasution
>     2. Adress : Jl. Coastesville 6 SC. 6/32 Kota Wisata
>     3. Email : <mailto:khaerulnasution at yahoo.com>khaerulnasution at yahoo.com
>     Please see the attachment for bill transaction TUG Store.
>Before my apologize for the wrong fill data. I need to ask the 
>question for the order, please help the conformation :
>  1. How ship the product ? Download by email or ship the DVD via 
> shipping company?
>   2. If the product ship via shipping company, when the product 
> ship to thus address? Give me info the the number shipping.
>Please help info to me by email because the product i will give to 
>my relation (Dr.Khaerul Nasution).
>Thank you for your coordination and attention.
>Best Regards,

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