[texhax] National workshop on LaTeX Advanced 22-26 Nov. 2010 at Pune

Manjusha Joshi manjusha.joshi at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 17:44:37 CEST 2010


National  Workshop on  LaTeX http://www.latex-project.org/

Technical documentation  system has been announced at

Workshop on LaTeX Adv.

Under the project "Use of Open Source Software for Teaching of Mathematics"
 the Third  5 day National  workshop of FOSS workshops series will be held
during 22nd  to  26th  November 2010  on  LaTeX.

 Website: http://fossme.bprim.org/workshop-latex

Venue: Bhaskaracharya Patishthana, Pune (www.bprim.org)

Scope of the workshop

LaTeX the  Technical Documentation system which is frequently used for
Research Papers, Mathematical/Technical articles, Books, Notes,
Technical Projects write-ups,  Software documentations, Question
papers etc. (www.tug.org)

PSTricks is a set of commands which can draw figures directly inside
TeX or LaTeX code.

Beamer is a LaTeX class for creating slides for presentations.

Who can register for the workshop?

 *  College teachers/ registered research students
 *  Students (M.Sc. / Engineering/ Undergraduate from IISER/IIT/B.Math)
 *  Professionals ( a few seats)

Registration Process for the workshop:

 *  Register online with the workshop registration form.

 *  Last date for submission of form: 22nd October, 2010

Feel free to email me for any query. We are also looking for speakers for
some topics. Please contact off the list in case you are interested.


Manjusha S. Joshi
P.I. of project on Use of Open source software for Teaching Maths,
Lecturer in Computational  Mathematics,
BIM, Pune, India. www.bprim.org
Mobile:  09822 319328
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