[texhax] document broken under windows

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Sat Oct 9 01:14:54 CEST 2010

On 8 October 2010 Arno Trautmann wrote:

 > Paul Isambert wrote:
 > >  Le 08/10/2010 23:08, Reinhard Kotucha a écrit :
 > >> On 8 October 2010 Paul Isambert wrote:
 > >>
 > >>   >  I hope you know iTeX was a joke?
 > >>
 > >> Hi Paul,
 > >> it's not a joke.  I installed it on an older machine many years
 > >> ago and last night I found it incidentally in the archived disk
 > >> contents of that machine:
 > >>
 > >>   #!/bin/sh
 > >>   # $Id: itex,v 1.1 2001/05/27 19:54:23 jfine Exp $
 > >>   #  itex: Instant TeX, typeset small file quickly,  using a tex daemon
 > >>
 > >>   # Copyright (c) Jonathan Fine, 2001
 > >>   [...]
 > > Darn. We have a case of copyright infringement, then. Or copyleft
 > > infringement.
 > > 
 > > More seriously, that Instant TeX is missing in Arno's file.
 > It seems to be a shell script. That does not qualify it for a TeX
 > engine, does it?

Maybe this file was created by Web2sh.



the current version?  Pages 10--18 are not shown in AR-9 on Linux.

BTW, the TL package manager and network installer were introduced in
TL-2008.  The package manager is not MikTeX-like because it doesn't
install packages automatically on demand.

Just to get rid of some question marks in your document:

teTeX was a TeX distribution for Unix.  It was TDS compliant and
provided LaTeX2e from the beginning.  AFAIK, the very first release of
TeX Live provided teTeX only.  Then Fabrice Popineau ported teTeX to
Windows.  His distribution was called fpTeX.  All further releases of
TL were shipped with binaries for Windows.  Fabrice also provided
Windows binaries for Perl and ghostscript.  Some years ago Fabrice
left the TeX Live team and started a new project called XemTeX.  It
was a TeX distribution for Windows, based on fpTeX and with
XEmacs/AucTeX as an IDE for (La)TeX.  XemTeX was sponsored by the
French government.  Since Fabrice doesn't work on TeX Live anymore,
binaries for Windows are provided by Akira Kakuto, who is maintaining
his own TeX distribution for Windows, called W32TeX.  W32TeX provides
special support for Japanese.


Reinhard Kotucha			              Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover	                      mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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