[texhax] document broken under windows

Arno Trautmann Arno.Trautmann at gmx.de
Sat Oct 9 00:57:56 CEST 2010

Heiko Oberdiek wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 09:06:41PM +0200, Arno Trautmann wrote:
>> Uwe Lueck wrote:
>>> Even under Linux, the endash and the appostrophe appear wrong in the bookmarks. 
>>> Heiko may know something better.
> * \usepackage[unicode]{bookmark}
>   Then direct UTF-8 input is supported (via utf8.def or utf8x.def).
>   Using lualatex I got the endash and the apostrophe in the bookmarks.

! Package xkeyval Error: `unicode' undefined in families `BKM'.

See the xkeyval package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.537 \ProcessKeyvalOptions*

> * \usepackage{bookmark}
>   Then the bookmarks don't need two runs.

With this, I get no erroneous bookmarks – but I don’t get the apostrophy
at all. It is just omitted.
Am I missing any important point here?

> Your PDF is errorneous, xpdf complains:
>   Error (34318): Illegal character ')'
>   Error (34318): Dictionary key must be a name object
>   Error (40975): Illegal character ')'
>   Error (40975): Dictionary key must be a name object
>   Error (40975): Illegal character ')'
>   Error (40975): Dictionary key must be a name object
> When I compile the file using \pdfobjcompresslevel=0, then xpdf doesn't show
> an error, however using \pdfobjcompresslevel=2 I got errors using xpdf:
>   Error (35708): Dictionary key must be a name object
>   Error (39036): Illegal character ')'
>   Error (39039): Dictionary key must be a name object
> Therefore I suspect a bug in luatex 0.63.0.
> Workaround:
> Disabling object compression of PDF-1.5:
> \ifcsname pdfobjcompresslevel\endcsname
>   \pdfobjcompresslevel=0
> \fi

This has a funny effect in Acrobat Reader: It does not solve the problem
but it adds a bar stating ”Please fill out the following form […]“

However, xpdf does the same here: \pdfobjcompresslevel=0 doesn’t give
errors. So xpdf feels fine with that file, but Acrobat Reader actually
crashes badly at page 9.
I’ll try to reduce this to a minimal example by tomorrow, now just too
tired to do useful work.

Thanks to everybody helping me here!

Good night,

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