[texhax] tables

Philip G. Ratcliffe philip.ratcliffe at uninsubria.it
Thu May 20 10:35:43 CEST 2010

> I am a beginner. Please, could you help me with the following? 

"God helps those who help themselves" , Benjamin Franklin

>  I need to write tables in a document with the following 
> characteristcs:
> 1) The caption should be written like: Box number (and not 
> table number);
> 2) In the all document the Box numbers should be sequential;
> 3) Is it possible to have a list of Boxes?

The answers to these quesions can all be found in various guides to LaTeX.

1) \renewcommand\tablename{Box}
2) automagic
3) \listoftables

Or, to define a new environment, try looking at the "float" package.

Cheers,  Phil

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