[texhax] BBedit WAS: Question

William Adams will.adams at frycomm.com
Wed Jan 20 17:06:49 CET 2010

On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Firestone, Elaine R. (HQ-279.0)[SCIENCE  

> Thanks for trying Philip, but these are just another flavor of Bank  
> Gothic with .afm fonts... already have those. What I need is either  
> a version that has the font metric files that Plain TeX can use, or  
> explicit code I can use to convert the font as-is for use in Plain  
> TeX.

Okay, if that's all you want, if you have a .pfb:

  - copy the .pfb into the tex file hieararchy in an appropriate place
  - run the .afm through afm2tfm to get a .tfm
  - copy that into an appropriate place
  - refresh the filename database

use the font w/ the command \font filename


William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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