[texhax] Help Regarding TeX works

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Thu Dec 30 02:09:46 CET 2010

On 29 December 2010 Uwe Lueck wrote:

 > Dear Vinoth,
 > "prem kumar" <pvklatexsoft at yahoo.com>, 09.12.2010 16:55:24:
 > > I am Vinoth Kumar S. tex template & perl application developer working in Chennai.
 > > I created few applications and I am interested to add/share such
 > > applications within MiKTeX or other tex utils directory 
 > > "texmf/miktex/bin/*.exe".
 > > Please note that this applications are useful for tex users
 > > which involved in LaTeX journals/Books productions.
 > > Please advise how can I add this applications to "texmf\miktex\
 > > bin\..." environment with proper approval.
 > > thanks
 > >  -vinoth-
 > please contribute via 
 >     http://www.ctan.org/upload.html
 > That is the "input" for TeX-related software addressing any TeX
 > users.
 > MiKTeX only is one "output stream" for distributing TeX-related
 > software, drawing from CTAN.

Sorry, but no distribution except MikTeX can do anything with *.exe

Even the source code isn't sufficient for TeX Live, someone has to
provide the nasty autoconf stuff in order to make it available to all
supported platforms.

If you want to provide software which is supposed to work on all TeX
systems, I strongly recommend texlua (luatex --luaonly) as a
programming language.  TeX Live provides a Perl engine, MikTeX
doesn't, so Perl scripts don't work out-of the-box under MikTeX.
LuaTeX is always present in modern TeX distributions.

Furthermore, texlua is fast, powerful, and easy to learn.  It's also
brilliantly documented.  There are excellent on-line resources and the
book about Lua[1] is certainly one of the best.

Anyway, I think that it's best to have Vinoth's program on CTAN though.  


[1] Roberto Ierusalimschy, Programming in Lua, ISBN 85-903798-2-5

Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                              mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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