[texhax] memoir page head confusion

Peter Seibel peter at gigamonkeys.com
Tue May 26 08:49:47 CEST 2009

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Peter Seibel <peter at gigamonkeys.com> wrote:
> I've got these two definitions in a document I'm typesetting with the
> memoir class:
>  \makeevenhead{headings}{\headlinefont\llap{\thepage\hskip 6pt} \leftmark}{}{}
>  \makeoddhead{headings}{}{}{\headlinefont\rightmark\rlap{\hskip 6pt\thepage}}
> For some reason the even head ends up with the page number lapped out
> correctly but then the rest of the heading gets moved down a bit so
> it's not in line with the page head. If I fill in the center and right
> parts of the even head they are in the same line as the \leftmark text
> (i.e. a bit below the line of the page number.)

So it seems that if I put an hbox around the whole left part of the
even heading like so:

  \makeevenhead{headings}{\hbox{\headlinefont\llap{\thepage\hskip 6pt}

then everything works the way I hoped. Why, however, I have no idea. I
would love to be edified if this is obvious to someone else.


> The odd head works fine with the rightmark in line with the
> right-lapped page number.
> Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?
> -Peter
> --
> Peter Seibel
> http://www.codersatwork.com/
> http://www.gigamonkeys.com/blog/

Peter Seibel

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