[texhax] Changing \skip\footins locally

Yannis Haralambous yannis.haralambous at telecom-bretagne.eu
Wed Feb 11 16:41:12 CET 2009

Le 11 févr. 09 à 16:16, Uwe Lück a écrit :

> At 12:12 11.02.09, Yannis Haralambous wrote:
>> I would like to fit an extra line of text in a specific page with
>> footnotes. When I attempt to change \skip\footins on that page  
>> only, it
>> has no effect whatsoever. I realized that only when I change \skip 
>> \footins
>> in the LaTeX preamble it has some effect on the typeset result.
>> How can I change locally (for one page only) the blank space  
>> between text
>> and footnote so that I can fit an additional line of text on that  
>> page,
>> without changing footnote behaviour for the rest of the document?
> I find it somewhat contradictory to expect extra space for text by
> reserving extra white space.

I tried to reduce \skip\footins, not to increase it

> Since pagebreaking, including breaking footnotes, depends on quite a  
> number
> of parameters, notably penalty values, and on the special  
> distribution of
> demerits in the main vertical list, it is not easy to help you here.  
> E.g.,
> the line you want to have on the same page may have a footnote whose  
> first
> line just doesn't fit on the same page.

No, no. I know that such an action should remain exceptional, and this  
is what I need: an exceptional way to decrease \footins on a single  

> Perhaps it would work to decrease \dimen\footins.

Is \dimen\footins different than \skip\footins???

> On a final stage of the
> work, I would just try  \pagebreak and \nopagebreak (I am not sure  
> about
> \enlargethispage, is it still supported?). But we know too little of  
> your
> situation.

Several people suggested I use \enlargethispage. I think you don't  
understand the problem: I want to insert an extra line of text,  
_without moving neither the text upwards, nor the footnotes downwards_.

\pagebreak works if you want lesser lines, I need an extra line.  
\nopagebreak has never worked. If I use a box to force the extra line  
of text, the footnote is broken.

I really need a means to fiddle with \footins on a single page. And I  
have the impression that (La)TeX does not allow fine-enough control on  


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