[texhax] derivatives and integrals: math operators

Phil Parker phil at math.wichita.edu
Thu Aug 6 16:13:19 CEST 2009

On 08/06/2009 at 03:58 PM, Natércia Fernandes <natercia at eq.uc.pt> wrote: >
>Math operators should be typeset in upright letters and also have a special 
>So shouldn't the "d" of derivatives (or integrals) be set with upright 
>letters, since both are mathematical operators?

Neither is a mathematical operator as far as mathematicians are concerned, and
we also don't set all operators upright -- only certain ones.

The convention you mention is one adopted by some physicists, engineers, and
other users of "applied" mathematics for reasons with which most (if not all)
"pure" mathematicians either just do not agree or regard as plain wrong.

    Phil Parker
URL http://www.math.wichita.edu/~pparker/
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