[texhax] [OT?] splitting poster over several pages

Susan Dittmar SDittmar at eureca.de
Thu Sep 25 17:24:39 CEST 2008

Quoting Philip G. Ratcliffe (philip.ratcliffe at uninsubria.it):
> > I am looking for a little program to print a pdf poster on A4
> > pages on a linux box. Something like the poster program, but 
> > for pdf pages, preferably able to deal with multiple pages, 
> > able to read the bounding box from the pdf, and called from 
> > the command line.
> I imagine you've already considered this possibility, but what's wrong with
> using ps2pdf on the postscript output from poster?

Thanks, Phil, but ps2pdf's output keeps turning out wrong bounding boxes,
screwing this path :-(

I will check Acrobat's tile printing abilities, thanks for the pointer. I'm
quite curious if it rescales ... (I guess it will, which makes it unusable
for my purpose.)


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