[texhax] TexLive 2008

Phillip E. Parker phil at math.wichita.edu
Wed Sep 24 08:16:10 CEST 2008

On 09/24/2008 at 02:18 AM, "Victor Ivrii" <vivrii at gmail.com> wrote:

> I suspect that time spent to protest the usage of lzma would be enough
>not only to install and learn how to use it but also to study the whole
>algorithm in the details

Bull pucky. That's just more of the same. 

To belabor what should be, but clearly is not, obvious: not every LaTeX user
is either a C coder or is sufficient knowledgeable about algorithmics to do
what you so blithely posit.

Nor is every user of LaTeX drooling in anticipation of learning how to use
the latestest and greatest (de)compressors, especially knowing that it's just
so this week.

PS  The last phrase is a US joke in re being hypertrendoid.
    Phil Parker
URL http://www.math.wichita.edu/~pparker/
Random quote:
  You'd think that people who don't make mistakes
  would get awfully tired of doing nothing.

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