[texhax] File Not Found: Importing Graphics

mahi mahi2308 at rediffmail.com
Tue Sep 23 08:59:35 CEST 2008


I never used TexMaker, but i think the below one works
\includegraphics[10cm, 5cm][10cm, 5cm]{Graphs PNG/Color Contour SLI.png}
\caption{This is a test.}

"[10cm, 5cm][10cm, 5cm]" it is the width of the bounding box you can the value according to your figure measurement.

On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 Sam Albers wrote :
>Hello all,
>I am trying to create my first LaTex document. I am using TexMaker as a
>frontend, running Ubuntu 8.04 as my OS. I have created a few figures using R
>with both the .eps and .png file format. Now I wish to import these into my
>LaTex document. I thought this would be pretty easy and doubly easu
>considering I was using TexMaker. Here is what I have done to try and enter
>these figures:
>\includegraphics[scale=1]{Graphs PNG/Color Contour SLI.png}
>\caption{This is a test.}
>This portion of my document returns this error:
>LaTeX Warning: File `Graphs PNG/Color Contour SLI.png' not found on input
>! LaTeX Error: File `Graphs PNG/Color Contour SLI.png' not found.
>See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
>Type H <return> for immediate help.
>l.48 ...scale=1]{Graphs PNG/Color Contour SLI.png}
>Try typing <return> to proceed.
>If that doesn't work, type X <return> to quit.
>! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in Graphs PNG/Color Contour
>.png (no BoundingBox).
>See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
>Type H <return> for immediate help.
>l.48 ...scale=1]{Graphs PNG/Color Contour SLI.png}
>Try typing <return> to proceed.
>If that doesn't work, type X <return> to quit.
>File: Graphs PNG/Color Contour SLI.png Graphic file (type eps)
><Graphs PNG/Color Contour SLI.png>
>Basically, I can't figure out why LaTex can't find my file. I have tried
>entering the path manually and using the includegraphics function within
>TexMaker using both an .eps file and .png. In both cases my .dvi output
>simply displays the title of the figure and an empty black box. I know this
>is super simple but all the documentation I have been able to find hasn't
>been able to address my problem. Am I loading up the wrong driver? Any help
>would be greatly appreciated.
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