[texhax] Information about document in the document

Tom Backer Johnsen backer at psych.uib.no
Tue Oct 7 22:49:19 CEST 2008

Susan Dittmar wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> from the top of my head I can only answer parts of your questions; maybe
> I'll find more time for the rest later.
>> I would like to drop the date that appears by default when using the
>> \maketitle command.
> use an empty \date{} command before the \maketitle command.
>> how do I get hold of [...] the date/time?
> Date: \today
> Hope that helps as first steps towards your goal,
> 	Susan

The inclusion of \date{} works fine.  Thanks.  And I have assumed that a 
  corresponding \time{} function, but I have not located it,  Perhaps 
\clock{}, no.  And the directory, what would that be?


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