[texhax] Long-term stability of LaTeX documents?

Niall Mansfield texhax at uit.co.uk
Wed Jan 16 16:51:05 CET 2008

(This follows on from my previous posting
"Page dimensions differ when LaTeX run on different host",
where the same doc on one host is 470 pages, but 530 on another.)

I'm working on a book in LaTeX, which will I hope have future editions
(this is 2nd ed, first was in MS-Word!!!), so it's important that when
LaTeXed in two years time, I get identical output.  How can I
guarantee that, even if we upgrade our LaTeX or Linux distribution, or
perhaps change to a different platform?

The only way I can see of doing this is to use the 'snapshot' and
'bundledoc' packages, and permanently store all the style files used
with the book's .tex manuscript.  Is that silly?


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