[texhax] problem installing TeX with Leopard

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Sun Feb 3 06:10:38 CET 2008

On  2 Feb, 2008, at 22:11, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:

> Axel E. Retif writes:
>> On Feb 2, 2008, at 20:07, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
>>> Hi Christophe,
>>>> [...]
>>>> /usr/local/teTeX/in/i386-apple-darwin-current/pdftex does not  
>>>> exist.
>>> It should be:
>>>  /usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-apple-darwin-current/pdftex
>>>                  -^-
>> So sorry I didn't spot this before! But no ---the TeXShop (and any
>> other front-end) path should be
>> /usr/texbin
> Ok, but is it possible that this symlink erroneously points to
>    /usr/local/teTeX/in/i386-apple-darwin-current/pdftex
> instead of
>    /usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-apple-darwin-current/pdftex

Yes, of course you're right. Typos apart, I don't how Christophe got  
that path: /usr/local/teTeX/bin/i386-apple-darwin-current/ was the  
path in Gerben Wierda's 2005 teTeX distribution, before gwTeX, and  
certainly before MacTeX.

In fact, the i386-apple-darwin-current directory was itself a  
symbolic link to, well, the ``current'' directory with the binaries;  
last was, I think, i386-apple-darwin8.6.1.

MacTeX doesn't install teTeX, but texlive; and all current front-ends  
have by default the path set to /usr/texbin, which, as said, is a  
symlink to the distro the user wants to use, which she or he can  
choose in a control panel (provided, of course, she or he has  
installed more than one).



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