[texhax] question

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Thu Apr 3 09:03:39 CEST 2008

On  2 Apr, 2008, at 09:40, Ferdinand Cap wrote:

> As an old tex latex user member of the german group I heard that there
> exists a file
> Scientific Work place  leadig to finally a Tex Latex file.  I  find
> only a russian version.

If you mean the application (program) Scientific WorkPlace, here it is


but I find rather perplexing your statement about a Russian version.

> Where can i donwload an English or German version of the scientific
> work place which is said to be more flexible than :
> Latx 2 e ??  for my Macintosh   MAXOS X Leopard 10.5

Unfortunately (I think ---I've never tried SWP), there is no Mac  
version of Scientific Word/WorkPlace. Maybe there will be, but I  
don't know. It could run with Windows on a Mac, though (Boot Camp,  
Parallels or VMWare Fusion).



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