[texhax] minipage : figure / table relationship

Bryan W. Lepore Bryan.Lepore at umassmed.edu
Wed Apr 2 21:33:36 CEST 2008

i noticed that many webpages document getting tables to be side-by-side 
with figures, esp. w/ minipage, but none (so far) about "stacked" 
placement -- i tried a \\ in my minipage (see below for code -- b/c 
\parindent is zero?)...

just wanted to check if there's a fundamental reason for that in minipage, 
before i begin overhauling my figure with a minipage in it.


(latex code follows):

% trying to get minipage in figure to put figure below table.

   %%                                BEGIN TABLE

   \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{example table} \\ \hline

   one thing     & another    & 3rd thing      & last thing  \\ \hline


   %%                              END TABLE : BEGIN FIGURE



%%                           END FIGURE : BEGIN CAPTION
\caption[example figure with table]{ example figure with table.}


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