[texhax] Which fink.org tex package needed for `srcltx.sty' ?

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Fri Sep 14 03:49:15 CEST 2007

On Sep 13, 2007, at 5:13 PM, Beverley Eyre wrote:

> I'm pretty sure that MaCTeX only outputs PDF (i.e. runs pdflatex  
> only).

Not really ---present day LaTeX, in all platforms, uses pdfTeX as its  
engine, but pdfTeX can output DVI as well as PDF.

In TeXLive 2007 for Mac OS X distribution (a.k.a. MacTeX) you get  
TeXShop as a front-end. You can tell TeXShop to typeset using  
``Pdftex'' (PDF output) or ``TeX and Ghostscript'', which outputs a  
DVI, then uses dvips and then distills the PS using either  
Ghostscript or Apple Distiller.

> Our lab at UCLA is trying to switch to Macs, and I was tasked with  
> choosing the TeX/LaTeX installation. In the end, I chose to install  
> the TexLive version as if it was a typical Unix OS (the mac unix is  
> different than the typical unix OS) because it had stuff that  
> MaCTeX didn't, as well as the ability to output dvi and ps, which  
> has a better resolution than pdf.

As far as I know, TeXLive is the same for all platforms. MacTeX just  
adds some utilities and a control panel to shift from one TeX  
distribution to another without messing with your path. In one  
machine I have, for example, Gerben Wierda's teTeX-based  
distribution, GW's TeXLive-based distribution and MacTeX.



> Beverley Eyre
> Axel E. Retif wrote:
>> David,
>>> Axel,
>>> Is there a big difference between textex-base and what I get  
>>> from  MacTeX?
>>> Assuming that I do install MacTeX, how do I insure that running   
>>> latex calls
>>> the MacTex version as opposed to the fink version?  Or should I just
>>> uninstall textex-base?
>> So sorry for not being able to reply; fortunately, Morten Høgholm   
>> did. I hope you have followed his advice to check about MacTeX's   
>> support (thanks to Gerben Wierda and Jerome Laurens) for multiple   
>> distributions.
>> Best,
>> Axel
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> -- 
> Pereunt et imputantur.

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