[texhax] zoom

Adrian Dusa dusa.adrian at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 22:38:34 CET 2007

Pierre, Tom,

On Sunday 25 November 2007, you wrote:
> Adrian:
> If there is a lot of unnecessary white space on your pages, you might do
> best taking care of a problem like this after the LaTeX stage.  For
> example, I believe pstops (part of psutils) can be made to do what you
> want, if you're going the PS route and so can some of the printing
> options in Adobe Acrobat, if you're in the straight-to-PDF camp.

Thanks for the quick answers. I am indeed in the PDF camp, and printing 
through a PDF reader seems a very reasonable idea.

I use Acrobat Reader 8 under Kubunty Gutsy Linux distribution, and having just 
checked the printing options I don't seem to find anything that is close to 

There is an information under the preview:
Units: inches    Zoom: 94%

The properties of my printer (XEROX DocuPrint N17) are rather few but there is 
a printer command line incorporated:
/usr/bin/lpr -P XEROX -o Resolution=default -o PageSize=A4 -o Duplex=None

It states to read the CUPS manual for details, is there a quick option to 
scale the document to 110% for example?

KPDF is another PDF reader that does provide more printing options, with 
access to System options (including CUPS server) but I am unable to find any 
scale command either :(


Adrian Dusa
Romanian Social Data Archive
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050025 Bucharest sector 5
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