[texhax] bibtex inbook: use both author and editor,

Christopher W. Ryan cryan at binghamton.edu
Sat Nov 24 15:16:40 CET 2007


Thanks for the advice.  I have indeed not "mastered all the fine details
of bibtex."  I probably never will.

Before I go re-typing all my bibtex entries, will this solve the problem
I posted?

Christopher W. Ryan, MD
SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton
40 Arch Street, Johnson City, NY  13790
PGP public keys available at http://home.stny.rr.com/ryancw/

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood,
divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the
vast and endless sea."  [Antoine de St. Exupery]

Bo Thide' wrote:
> Dear Christopher,
> Your .bib entry seems a bit unusual, indicating that you perhaps still
> not master all the fine details of bibtex...
> Personally, I would have used the following .bib entry
> @INBOOK{Ryan:2005,
>   AUTHOR = "C. W. Ryan",
>   BOOKTITLE = "Conn's Current Therapy",
>   TITLE = "Headache",
>   PUBLISHER = "Elsevier-Health Sciences Division",
>   YEAR = 2005,
>   EDITOR = "R. E. Rakel and E.T. Bope",
>   EDITION = 57,
> }
> Comments:
> 1. I prefer uppercase for all .bib entry items.  Makes them easier to
>    spot and edit in the .bib file.  Does not change the final result
>    at all.
> 2. Put the AUTHOR up front.  Makes it easier for you to read.
> 3. Use " " to enclsose individual items/subentries and { } to enclose the
>    whole entry.  Makes it easier to read and edit.
> 4. Do not put initials together and do not omit the punctuation
>    (i.e. write "C. W. Ryan" rather than "CW Ryan") otherwise bibtex
>    (together with the .bst file) probably will skip the second initial
>    or something even worse.  Your should not apply any typography in
>    the .bib database file.  That's for bibtex and the .bst file!
> 5. Don't enclose the YEAR value in " " (or { }).  This might limit
>    bibtex's possibility to reformat the year into a consistent format
>    (as defined by the .bst file)..
> 6. The same goes for the EDITION value.  It's not you but bibtex + the
>    .bst file who should format this entry in a consistent manner.
> 7. As you see, I added a comma after the EDITION subentry even
>    though, strictly speaking, this is not necessary.  This make it
>    easy to move the individual subentries around without the risk of
>    running into a bibtex syntax error.
> Good luck!
> Bo
> In your e-mail of Fri Nov 23 20:54:48 2007 you wrote:
>> I used custom-bib to create a bibliographystyle I called
>> StandardMedicalJournal.  I may have unknowingly done something I didn't
>> want to do when I was going through all the questions on screen, because
>> my style won't print editor, author, book title, and chapter title for
>> an INBOOK reference.  Here is the reference in my bib file:
>> @INBOOK{Ryan2005,
>>   title = {Headache},
>>   publisher = {Elsevier-Health Sciences Division},
>>   year = {2005},
>>   editor = {RE Rakel and ET Bope},
>>   author = {CW Ryan},
>>   booktitle = {Conn's Current Therapy},
>>   edition = {57th edition}
>> }

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