[texhax] embedding java applets in pdf output files

Philip Taylor (Webmaster) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Fri Nov 16 17:45:17 CET 2007

Interesting : thank you !  But is there (as
far as anyone knows) a way for the Java code
to interact with the PDF document object model ?

** Phil.
James Quirk wrote:
> Philip,

> The approach Martin is suggesting is essentially how 
> I generated the Sable example that I recently posted, and 
> it can be used to spawn pretty much any filetype, modulo
> Adobe's Technical Note:
>    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=331371
> Here, for example is a PDF that spawns a Jar file:
>    http://www.amrita-cfd.org/tex-group/jar.pdf
> James

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