[texhax] [yandytex] yytex sources available

Christina Thiele cthiele at ccs.carleton.ca
Wed May 2 14:37:50 CEST 2007

Karl Berry wrote:
 > Hello everyone,
 > At long last, I am able to announce the availability of the Y&Y sources.
 > ...
 > As I bring my part of the project to a close, I must thank Blenda Horn
 > for generously donating Y&Y's software assets to TUG for the benefit of
 > the TeX community, and many others (listed in the README) for helping
 > bring the distribution to this point.
 > Thanks,
 > Karl
 > ...

Karl, this has been a major project for you -- no real reward of any
kind will likely come of it to you, other than knowing that we are all
extremely grateful for your having persisted in getting this done. But
maybe someday we'll see some of these sources coming around again,
under a new guise, and know that they're available because you (and,
of course, Blenda!) made the original sources available.

Now it's up to the Y&Y users, as well as other PC-based developers, to
see if there's a way they can mine the sources to further their
development or incorporate some of the truly unique Y&YTeX features
into their implementations.

Thank you again, Karl, so very much.


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