[texhax] Editing tool in Linux

a p tug at alxp.gr
Thu Mar 29 10:26:15 CEST 2007

> However, if you advertise Emacs, you also should mention auctex and
> the wonderful preview-latex package.

To my opinion the best choices on Linux are: if you're alright with  
Emacs use Emacs + AucTeX, you can set it of course to work with  
pdflatex (but sure if you have never used Emacs you'll have to go  
through a tedious step of learning the basics), if you like KDE use  
Kile, it's really complete and close to what you might be used to.  
TeXMaker, its "Gnome counterpart" (in fact it just doesn't have any  
KDE dependency) is unfortunately a bit less sophisticated.

a p

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