[texhax] Left-flushed equations

Micha Hofri hofri at WPI.EDU
Thu May 18 15:59:07 CEST 2006

Thanks to all who responded.  What actually happens is -- nothing.

I tried some of the medicine in Herbert's very welcome Math mode paper; I 
tried Barbara's straightforward redefinition, there is simply no effect.

I look at the way the fleqn.clo file, which \usepackage{fleqn} loads, 
redefines the environment equation (the only one I use here) and it makes 
no direct use of these.
In fact, the only reference to vertical motion there that I can 
see is just before displaying the equation, there is a \leavevmode

Could this choice be the source of my difficulty?  Those left-flushed 
equations look just right...

--Micha Hofri

At 08:53 on 05/18/06 Barbara Beeton sent:

:     Now a related question: how do I control spacing above and below displays 
:     (I need to reduce it drastically)?
:     Do I need to modify the given rubber length parameters /and/ the relevant 
:     penalties (and I am not yet sure which those be)?
: you said you're using class amsart.
: in this class there is the following definition:
: \def\@adjustvertspacing{%
:   \bigskipamount.7\baselineskip plus.7\baselineskip
:   \medskipamount\bigskipamount \divide\medskipamount\tw@
:   \smallskipamount\medskipamount \divide\smallskipamount\tw@
:   \abovedisplayskip\medskipamount
:   \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
:   \abovedisplayshortskip\abovedisplayskip
:   \advance\abovedisplayshortskip-1\abovedisplayskip
:   \belowdisplayshortskip\abovedisplayshortskip
:   \advance\belowdisplayshortskip 1\smallskipamount
:   \jot\baselineskip \divide\jot 4 \relax
: }
: the various "displayskip"s govern the spacing
: above and below displays.  you want to redefine
: them.  you might try this (note the \makeat...
: commands needed since there is an @ in the name):
: \makeatletter
: \def\@adjustvertspacing{%
:   \bigskipamount.7\baselineskip plus.7\baselineskip
:   \medskipamount\bigskipamount \divide\medskipamount\tw@
:   \smallskipamount\medskipamount \divide\smallskipamount\tw@
:   \abovedisplayskip\smallskipamount  %%% cut in half
:   \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
:   \abovedisplayshortskip\abovedisplayskip
:   \advance\abovedisplayshortskip-1\abovedisplayskip
:   \belowdisplayshortskip\abovedisplayshortskip
:   \advance\belowdisplayshortskip 1\smallskipamount
:   \jot\baselineskip \divide\jot 4 \relax
: }
: \makeatother
: with 10pt type on 12pt baselines, \bigskipamount will
: be about 8.5pt.  \medskipamount is half that (4.2pt)
: and \smallskipamount half again (2.1pt).  there will
: be an equal amount of stretch -- which is often the
: only way to achieve a vertically justified page.
: if you want to get rid of the stretch (this will have
: possibly unpleasant consequences elsewhere, e.g. between
: paragraphs and before (sub)section headings), you can
: set the displayskips to be a fixed value, such as
:   \abovedisplayskip 2pt \relax
: the \relax is needed to keep tex from looking ahead
: for a stretch value, which is assumed for every skip.
: 							-- bb

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