[texhax] Fwd: Re: Is it possible to place picture on the left side on every pages while table on the right side continues

Uwe Lück uwe.lueck at web.de
Thu May 11 07:19:32 CEST 2006

Sorry, \stepcounter{page} is more elegant than \addtocounter{page}{1},
the latter may even be wrong in some special cases. -- Uwe.

>Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 21:52:03 +0200
>To: tom sgouros <tomfool at as220.org>, "Alex Pivovarov" <apivovarov at gmail.com>
>From: Uwe Lück <uwe.lueck at web.de>
>Subject: Re: [texhax] Is it possible to place picture on the left side on 
>every pages while table on the right side continues
>Cc: texhax at tug.org
>There is an even uglier solution, maybe even simpler as well:
>\addtocounter{page}{1} at the bottom of the longtable
>(or in some cell that surely is on the second table page),
>put the picture into a separate file with appropriate
>\setcounter{page}{...}, and put the picture print-out
>between the pages of the other print-out.
>If I remember correctly, someone has told me that
>he uses fancyhdr to manipulate page numbers
>more generally in order to get a parallel.sty-like
>translation, one language on the left pages, the
>other on the right pages.
>   Uwe.
>At 22:14 06.05.06, tom sgouros wrote:
>>Here's a way to do this that is kind of ugly, but it's simple and it
>>works.  Essentially it involves lying to TeX and claiming that various
>>features have zero length.  The picture is attached to the longtable
>>header, and isn't really part of the table cell, so a table that uses
>>\hlines won't know not to put them over the blueprint.  You can fidget
>>with the various lengths to get it the way you like.
>>Perhaps others will have a more stylish solution.
>>  -tom
>>\newcommand{\pichere}{\framebox{use includegraphics here%
>>     \rule{0pt}{1in}}}
>>\newcommand{\placepic}{\hbox to 0pt{\hbox to 2in{\hfill
>>     \raisebox{-160pt}[0pt][0pt]{\pichere}\hfill}}}
>>\placepic\textbf{Picture} & \textbf{Text} \\
>>  & Here is a lot of text.  Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
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>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. \\
>>  & Second column \\
>>  & Second column \\
>>  & Second column \\
>>  & Second column \\
>>  & Second column \\
>>  & Second column \\
>>  & Here is a lot of text.  Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
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>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. 
>> Here is a lot of text. Here is a lot of text. \\
>>  ------------------------
>>  tomfool at as220 dot org
>>  http://sgouros.com
>>  http://whatcheer.net
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