[texhax] Blogs

Victor Ivrii vivrii at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 22:31:08 CEST 2006

On 7/18/06, Uwe Lück <uwe.lueck at web.de> wrote:
> At 14:21 18.07.06, Peter Flom wrote:
> >anyone had advice on using LaTeX to write diaries on a blog, in
> >particular, dailykos  (www.dailykos.com).
> Aside from using the thread for blogging, one might try to
> help with the request (sorry if I flame some bloggers by
> trying to help a blogger):
> The main problem is latex2html, I guess -- enter `2html'
> at a CTAN search.

Actually, I tried to do this but my post is probably under heap of flames

>> Movabletype blogware

>> http://www.sixapart.com/movabletype/

>> has RooLaTeX plug-in. However to use it one needs to have a latex
installed on the web server running blog which usually is not the

Clearly understanding risk that someone would flame chats I would like
to add that on Mac OSX multinet chatware Adium has also (pseudo) LaTeX
plug-in; so the more general question about using LaTeX as a slave to
other programs is completely legitimate

At 14:21 18.07.06, Peter Flom wrote:
>> I apologize for starting what seems to be degenerating into a flame

I just asked a question about using LaTeX, which is, I think, the
purpose of this list.  I wanted, and still want, to be able to put up
some decent looking formulas in a blog.  I did not want, and still do
not want, to engage in a debate over the point of blogs, lists, e-mail,
mathematics, or whatever.

The answer to my question appears to be that it is not possible.  If
anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.

Definitely it was not you who started a flame war. My answer to your
question see above.
in the beginning of this message. It is possible.

You can also produce ps or pdf file with the formula using LaTeX and
convert them to jpg or png file (it is exactly what latex2html does)

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Victor Ivrii, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto

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