[texhax] two minipages side-by-side in beamer

Dieter Meinert DMeinert at RosenInspection.net
Wed Nov 2 08:01:59 CET 2005


 You make each minipage the width of then complete page, thus you get a 
 linebreak after the first one.
 Try \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth} (personally I usually take 
 {0.49\textwidth to allow for a word separation between the minipages)

 							Dieter Meinert
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|=> -----Original Message-----
|=> From: texhax-bounces at tug.org 
|=> [mailto:texhax-bounces at tug.org] On Behalf Of Christopher W. Ryan
|=> Sent: Tuesday, 1 November 2005 23:06
|=> To: TEXHAX
|=> Subject: [texhax] two minipages side-by-side in beamer
|=> I am using beamer on Win98 with MikTex.  I want to make two 
|=> itemized 
|=> lists, side-by-side, on a single slide.
|=> Here is my preamble:
|=> \documentclass{beamer}
|=> \usetheme{PaloAlto}
|=> \usepackage{graphicx}
|=> \begin{document}
|=> I tried using \begin{minipage} like this:
|=> \frame
|=> {
|=> \frametitle{Interview}
|=> \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
|=>   \begin{itemize}
|=> 	\item current symptoms
|=> 	\item past medical history
|=> 	\item family history
|=> 	\item social history
|=> 	\item review of systems
|=> \end{itemize}
|=> \end{minipage}
|=> \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
|=> \begin{itemize}
|=> 	\item detect hypertension
|=> 	\item recognize emergency
|=> 	\item recognize reversible causes
|=> 	\item find chronic target organ damage
|=> 	\item discover co-morbid conditions
|=> 	\item plan therapy
|=> \end{itemize}
|=> \end{minipage}
|=> }
|=> But I just got one 11-item bulleted list.
|=> So I put in \twocolumn just below \frametitle{...}, but 
|=> that didn't make 
|=> any difference.
|=> Anyone know how to do this?  Should I 
|=> \usepackage{multicols} (I think 
|=> there is something like that)?
|=> Thanks.
|=> --Chris
|=> -- 
|=> Christopher W. Ryan, MD
|=> SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton
|=> and Wilson Family Practice Residency, Johnson City, NY
|=> cryanatbinghamtondotedu
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|=> divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to 
|=> yearn for the 
|=> vast and endless sea."  [Antoine de St. Exupery]
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