[texhax] lists and included files

Christopher W. Ryan cryan at binghamton.edu
Mon May 30 16:18:14 CEST 2005

As a rank LaTeX amateur, I hesitate to wade in with my first effort at 
answering a question, rather than asking one.  But I write a similar 
exam for my students, and I use the "exam" class.  Although it can 
rearrange the questions randomly with each compilation, you can turn 
that feature off, and they will be printed in the order of the \include 
statements, and they will be numbered sequentially; the counter will not 
be reset at each \include.  The exam class does a lot of other neat 
things too.  Would this class solve your problem?

[Be careful; last I looked there were two exam classes, from two 
different authors, each with slightly different features, with some 
overlap in the .sty file names.]

--Chris Ryan

Douglas Lewan wrote:
> All,
> I'm trying to write a final exam and I'd like it to be organized by 
> chapter, but with questions numbered sequentially.
> That is the "main" file, final.ltx, would essentially look like the 
> following:
> \documentclass{article}
> \begin{document}
>   \begin{enumerate}
>     \include{ch01/ch01.ltx}
>     \include{ch02/ch02.ltx}
>     ...
>     \include{ch12/ch12.ltx}
>   \end{enumerate}
> \end{document}
> The problem is that the enumerate environment doesn't seem to exist once 
> the chapter files are included.  I get the error:
>   Something's wrong --- perhaps a missing \item.
> Each chapter file is full of \items.
> What am I doing wrong?  It would be unpleasant to have 12 chapters worth 
> of questions (with supporting figures, formulas, etc.) all sitting in 
> one dirctory.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> ,Doug
> Douglas Lewan
> email: 	d_lewan2000 at yahoo.com <mailto:d_lewan2000 at yahoo.com>
> cell: 	908 7207 908
> 	        Todays assembler command : EXOP Execute
>         Operator
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