[texhax] stacking letters

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sun May 1 12:37:31 CEST 2005

Dear David - You're making such good progress
that I suspect you'll get there before my
reply arrives !  Remember that \strut and
\fiverm are hard-coded to cmr, and the former
to 10pt as well, so re-define them or
use alternatives to achieve font and
font-size independence.

You (and others) may find it easier to follow
the logic of your code is you express it in
a slightly less dense style :

     \def \sk #1#2
         {\setbox 0 = \hbox {\strut #1}%
          \vbox \bgroup
                \hbox to \wd 0 {\hfil \hbox {\fiverm #2} \hfil}
                \kern -1 pt
                \box 0

I've also removed all redundant percent signs.

Philip Taylor

> Any suggestions??  Ideally I'd like to make it typeface/size independent.

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