[texhax] Ligatures problem

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Tue Mar 22 08:46:45 CET 2005

> Thank you very much for your reply. Here I've given you the details
> which are required by you: 
> 1. We are using the Frutiger font
> 2. We are using YandY software to produce the output

ah; dviwindo and dvipsone operate very differently from the viewers
and print generators that most people on texhax know; while i have
them, i'm definitely not an "expert", which perhaps explains why i
didn't recognise the symptom you originally posted.

the remaining y&y experts in the world hang out on a self-help list
set up a couple of years ago: subscribe via
http://lists.ucc.ie/lists/archives/yandytex.html, and post to
yandytex at lists.ucc.ie; please repost *all* your symptoms when you do.

since you're still using y&y, i would recommend you join the list,
anyway.  (it's very low traffic, but the questions that get asked are
typically answered rather quickly.)

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